
Sunday, January 30, 2011

One of a Kind Whale

A few countries in the world-such as Norway, Greenland, and Japan- still allow whaling. However, in Norway, when a whale is hunted and is used in a whale product, it has to be given a DNA analyses to determine if the product comes from a legal source. When a geneticist named Kevin Glover was looking at a whale DNA, he was shocked. This DNA showed proof of a hybrid. The whale was a cross between a Northern Minke and an Antarctic Minke.

The only time the whales can meet is wen they are migrating. Both of the whales go down south during winter. However, a Northern Minke and an Antarctic Minke live on separate Hemispheres. so the chance of them meeting is slim to none.

This discovery by Kevin Glover has changed science. It shows that these whales might be migrating at different time. When I learned that the whales migrate at different times, i was surprised that an offspring of a Northern Minke and an Antarctic Minke could be born. I believe that this whale mix is the beginning of a new species.

Article and Picture source:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New way to Diet: Imaginary Food?

Recently, scientists dicovered a new way to diet. Most people believe that when you diet, you shoud not think of chocolate or any other unhealthy foods. Well for those people, science has proved you wrong. Through hours of studying, scientists have come up with the most unbleievable technique. If you imagine a specific food, you loose your interest in it, causing you to eat less of it. However, this technique only works with the specific food you are imagining. For instance, if you are imaginig chocolate, that won't stop you from scarfing down a family-sized bag of potato chips. Being exposed to food repeatedly is called habituation. This habituation gives a signal to your brain that gives you have the feeling of a full stomach. Therefore, you end up eating less of it.
I think this article is important because it shows a new way for people to eat healthy. Many people in the U.S. are obese. Being obese, gives you a higher chance of Type Two Diabetes, Heart Disease, and strokes. Not only can this technique be helpful to people looking forward to control overeating, it also might be helpful to people with drug addictions. This technique may be the key to a happier, longer, and healthier lifetime.
Sources (Picture and Article are from the same page) :